Page 9 - Flipbook: Sociology Shortcuts Issue 4: Testing the Marshmallow Test
P. 9


       Mischel and Ebbeson’s (1990) study has,               As you may recall, one explanation for the
       probably fairly, been described as                    claimed relationship between the ability to delay
                                                             gratification for 15 – 20 minutes at preschool
           “A group of upper middle class researchers        level and subsequent higher levels of academic
        researching the behaviour of upper middle class  achievement was
         preschoolers in an upper middle class setting”
                                                                   “driven by the ability to generate useful
       (Stanford University – one of the most prestigious      metacognitive strategies that will influence self-
       Universities in America, if not the world) and so               regulation throughout one’s life”.
       the final question we need to ask is what would
       happen if we introduced a bit of diversity into the  In other words, what we are allegedly seeing in
       proceedings?                                          some preschool children was the early presence
                                                             of study strategies (such as the ability to stick at
       Could the results of the test be replicated among,  a difficult task and see it through successfully)
       for example, lower middle class or working class      that would prove highly beneficial in later life.
       preschool children?                                   However, as they note:

       This was a question – among many others -                 “Such strategies are unlikely to have played
       addressed by Watts et al. (2018) in their               much of a role in a child’s ability to wait for only
       replication of the 1990 Marshmallow Test and the                          20 seconds”.
       study threw-up three interesting conclusions:
                                                             This leads neatly to our third consideration.
       First, they found the preschool children of
       mothers who had not completed college (i.e. they  When we’re dealing with a relatively homogenous
       left education between the ages of 16 - 18,           group for children there may well be differences
       depending on the State in which they lived) did       in intelligence, application and the like that result
       show a lower level of post-15 achievement than        from a possible range of social-psychological
       researchers such as Mischel and Ebbeson had           factors.
       found. However, they also found this relationship
       was much weaker than previous research had            However, once Watts et al. expanded the
       claimed.                                              selection of participants to include children from
                                                             different social backgrounds they found that
       Second, although Watts et al. did find a              “when factors like family background, early
       relationship between delaying gratification and       cognitive ability, and home environment were
       subsequent academic achievements – albeit, as         controlled for” the association between the ability
       we’ve noted, at a very low level of significance - a  to delay gratification and academic success in
       puzzling aspect of the replication was that:          later life “virtually disappeared”.

       “for the children of non-degreed mothers, most of  Once the researchers controlled for factors
        the achievement boost for early delay ability was  historically-known to hugely influence things like
             gained by waiting a mere 20 seconds”.           academic achievement, better health in later life
                                                             and so forth the “Marshmallow Effect” ceased to

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