Page 20 - Flipbook: Sociology Shortcuts Issue 3
P. 20

ideology                                                     A system of


       Joseph (1990) argues all ideologies are
       constructed around a set of basic and
       fundamental beliefs whose ultimate purpose                             beliefs
       is to explain something, such as:

       � the meaning of life (scientific and religious
       ideologies).                                             The advertising propaganda surrounding
                                                                Apple technology, such as the iPhone and
       � the nature of family organisation (familial            iPad, has been both subtle and convincing:
       ideologies).                                             Apple is now one of the largest corporations
                                                                by value in the world (in 1996 it was
       � the superiority / inferiority of selected              estimated to only be weeks away from
       social groups (such as sexist or racist                  bankruptcy…).
       ideologies).                                             For our purpose the importance of ideologies
                                                                is less whether they are objectively true or
       While the content of ideologies is obviously             objectively false and more the extent to
       important, of greater interest here is their             which they're believed.
                                                                Henderson (1981), for example, takes the
       All ideologies, for example, include elements            concept of ideology a little further when she
       of propaganda, as those who believe in a                 argues
       particular ideological viewpoint seek to
       convince others about their way of thinking.             "An ideology is a pattern of ideas, both
                                                                factual and evaluative [based on values],
       In some forms propaganda may be crude and                which claims to explain and legitimise the
       unsophisticated, such as the anti-Jewish                 social structure and culture of a particular
       propaganda produced by the German Nazi                   group in society".
       party before and during the 2nd World War,
       while in others it may be highly                         In other words, ideologies provide
       sophisticated.                                           justifications for behaviour in that they
                                                                                            "justify social
                                                                                            actions which are in
                                                                                            accordance with
                                                                                            that pattern of
                                                                                            ideas"; treating men
                                                                                            different to women,
                                                                                            for example, is
                                                                                            justified in some
                                                                                            eyes by patriarchal

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