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Routine Activities Theory

Routine Activities Theory has been described as a key theoretical contribution to the development of Situational Crime Prevention strategies and techniques.

In broad terms it sees crime as the outcome of both “opportunity” (Mayhew, 1976; Clarke, 1988) and “routine activities” (Cohen and Felson 1979) and represents, for Felson and Boba (2010),:

A theory of how crime changes in response to larger shifts in society”.

While the general theory can appear quite complex to students – and contains numerous developments and qualifications – at root it offers a fairly simple outline of the relationship between, on the one hand, potential offenders and, on the other, the social controls that may exist to deter offending.

This Presentation provides a visual representation of the factors that contribute to both offending and crime prevention, within the context of routine activities theory.

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Crime Channel: Theories

Theories | Power and Control | Social Distribution | Globalisation | Methods

Routine Activities Theory

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