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What is Crime and Deviance?

A starter activity designed to get students thinking about the difference between criminal,

non-criminal and deviant behaviour.

Theories of Deviance: Part 1

The first part of a complete textbook chapter that covers:

Types of deviance, Functionalist, Ecological and Critical explanations.

Theories of Deviance: Part 2

The second part of a complete textbook chapter.

General Strain Theory: Part 1

A contemporary interpretation of traditional strain theory.

General Strain Theory: Part 2

Gender is used to demonstrate  how GST explains differences in deviant responses.

Left Realism

An outline of the Left Realist approach to crime and deviance.

Situational Action Theory

A significant contemporary theory of deviance in the Interactionist tradition.

Situational Action Theory: Crime and Social Disadvantage

How Social Action Theory resolves the Crime Paradox.

Rational Choice Theory

An introduction to and evaluation of this influential Right Realist theory.

Routine Activities Theory

Is Crime a Cause of Crime? Routine Activity theory evaluated.

Broken Windows Revisited

A 3-part reassessment of this influential theory.

Street Crime

A summary of Bennett, Brookman and Wright's (2006): “A Qualitative Study of the Role of Violence in Street Crime”.

Situational Crime Prevention

The theoretical background to situational crime prevention.

Applying Theories of Deviance

An activity designed to help students apply theories to examples of crime

Text Resources

Text | PowerPoint | Audio | Video

Crime Channel: Theories

Theories | Power and Control | Social Distribution | Globalisation | Methods

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Crime and Deviance Vol.1

(Crime and Gender, Hate Crime, Crimes of the Powerful, Moral Panics, Situational Crime Prevention, Functions of Crime, Crime and the

Night-Time Economy)

Available from
