Page 3 - Flipbook: Sociology Shortcuts Issue 5: Situational Action Theory
P. 3

PIC: ibrahim62

       SQUARING THE CIRCLE                                                While many late-20 –                SQUARING THE CIRCLE
                                                                          early-21 century
                                                                          explanations for crime,
       OF CAUSALITY                                                       particularly those from a
                                                                          New Right perspective,
                                                                          have (rightly) rejected
       How, then, do we square a circle that, as                          this idea, they’ve done
       Wikström and Treiber argue, is based on                            so in ways that have

       “the paradox that most persistent offenders                        tended, deliberately one
       come from disadvantaged backgrounds, but                           suspects, to throw the
       most people from disadvantaged backgrounds                         offending bathwater out
       do not become persistent offenders.”?                              with the socially
                                                                          disadvantaged baby.
       One obvious way to start is by investigating the
       idea that the role of social disadvantage in crime                 So to speak.
       is both real – there seem to be very few                           Or, to put it less
       persistent offenders who are                                       obtusely, New Right
       socially advantaged – but not directly causal:                     perspectives have
       disadvantage clearly plays some part, but what                     tended to reject the
       that part might be is neither  simple nor clear-                   possibility of
       cut..                                                              understanding the “root

       For Wikstrom, the problem is that although                         causes” of crime by
       “social disadvantage has been a key                                rejecting the notion that
       criminological topic for some time, the                            criminal offending is
       mechanisms which link it to offending remain                       underpinned and
       poorly specified”. What this means is that while                   prompted by social
       we know there is a relationship between crime                      causes (such as social
       and social disadvantage, what that relationship                    disadvantages).
       might actually be has tended to
       be assumed rather than tested. Correlation has
       all-to-often simply been assumed to be
       indicative of causation.
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