Page 4 - Flipbook: Sociology Shortcuts Issue 5: Situational Action Theory
P. 4

Something like Routine Activity               While social disadvantage may not
        Theory (RAT), for example, avoids  cause crime the close correlation
        the problem of causation by simply  between the two is surely
        taking individual situations and              something that needs to, at the
        motivations out of the equation.              very least, be explored in more
        In RAT world “everyone” is capable
        of committing a crime given the               This is the position taken by
        right conditions (such as the                 Wikstrom in that while he
        absence of anyone or anything to              recognises the relationship isn’t a
        stop them) and so what motivates              straightforward causal one, there’s
        people to commit crime – their                enough of a relationship present to
        inner psychological demons or                 warrant further investigation.
        outer sociological conditions – are           To this end Wikstrom’s Situational
        largely (mis)cast as irrelevant.
                                                      Action Theory seeks to specify the
        And while this neatly avoids the              mechanisms that link social
        “problem of causation” it leads to            disadvantage to offending using
        both notable absurdities (in this             two testable concepts:
        instance, crime effectively                   ��crime propensity: the extent to
        becomes its own cause) and                    which different individuals are
        doesn’t satisfactorily confront the           attracted to and likely to commit,                    ROUTINE ACTIVITIES
        elephant in the room:
        why are young offenders
        consistently and persistently drawn  ��criminogenic exposure: the
        from the ranks of the socially                extent to which individuals
        disadvantaged?                                experience criminal ideas and

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