Page 27 - Flipbook: Sociology Shortcuts Issue 3
P. 27

of self

        The idea of creating an impression is also           The presentation of self always involves two
        significant in relation to how we present            characteristics.
        ourselves in different situations and contexts.
                                                             Firstly, interpretation: identities are broad
        When we adopt a particular identity we               social categories whose meaning can differ,
        “perform” to others in ways that, Goffman            both historically and cross-culturally.
        suggests, attempt to “manage the impression
        others have of us”.                                  Secondly, negotiation. Identities, because
                                                             they are socially created, are always open to
        Identity performance, therefore, is directed at discussion; what it means to be male, female,
        achieving desired ends (what we want from            young, old and so forth is constantly
        others); when you want to create a favourable changing as people “push the negotiated
        impression with someone you “act” in ways            boundaries” of these identities.
        you believe they will like. Every social
        encounter, therefore, is just one more part of
        the act. This isn’t to say
        we simply use people
        for our own particular
        ends; rather, in the
        majority of social
        encounters other people
        are used, Cooley
        (1909) suggests, as a
        looking-glass self.
        People are like mirrors
        that reflect “our self as
        others see us”; when
        we “look into the
        mirror” of how others
        behave towards us we
        see reflected an image
        of the person they think
        we are.

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