Page 31 - Flipbook: Sociology Shortcuts Issue 3
P. 31

         What is Sociology?
         Sociology and Commonsense                     ShortCutstv’s Video-on-Demand service
         Social Constructionism                        brings high-quality, professionally
                                                       scripted, filmed, presented and edited
         Methods                                       social science films into the A-level
         Case Studies                                  classroom.
         Making Friends with Methods                   The films combine professional
         Participant Observation                       presenters with top British and American
         Self-Report Methods                           academic contributors to create short
                                                       films that can be integrated into the A-
         Family                                        level curriculum to enhance student
         Childhood and New Technology                  interest and understanding of key ideas,
         Family and Social Change                      theories and research methods.                        ON-DEMAND
         Family Diversity
         The End of Childhood?                         All of our films are available to either
                                                       buy outright or on 7-day rental.
         Crime and Gender                              Use the links on this page to view
         Crime and Moral Panics                        trailers for all of our Sociology and
         Crime and the Night-time Economy              Psychology films.
         Durkheim and the Functions of Crime
         Hate Crime
         Labelling Theory
         Situational Crime Prevention
         Space, Place and Broken Windows
         Strain Theory
         Rethinking Moral Panics

         New Religions, Alternative Spiritualities
         Religion: What it is and What it does
         Secularisation: The Decline of


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