Page 28 - Flipbook: Sociology Shortcuts Issue 3
P. 28

social control

         Socialisation represents a process through          Social control relates to the idea human
         which a society tries to bring order, stability     behaviour involves a life-long process of
         and predictability to people's behaviour. If a      rule-learning, underpinned by sanctions -
         child is socialised into "a right way to do         the things we do to make people conform.
         something", such as eating with a knife and
         fork, there must also be a "wrong" or
         deviant way (such as eating with their              � Positive sanctions (rewards) are the
         fingers) to be discouraged.                         pleasant things we do to make people
                                                             behave in routine, predictable, ways; these
         Socialisation, in this respect, is a form of        range from smiling, through praise and
         social control that Pfohl (1998)                    encouragement to gifts.
         characterises thus: "Imagine deviance as
         noise - a cacophony of subversions                  � Negative sanctions (punishments) are the
         disrupting the harmony of a given social            reverse and these range from not talking to
         order. Social control is the opposite. It           people if they annoy us, putting people in
         labours to transform the noisy challenge of         prison or even the ultimate negative
         difference into the music of conformity".           sanction, perhaps, killing them.

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