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Everyday Sociology

This Blog "features interesting, informative, and most of all entertaining commentary from sociologists around the United States". The articles / commentaries are split into a range of sub-categories (social problems, statistics and methods...) for easy access and the site generally has an easy-going feel to it that combines news items with sociological analysis. The only real downside for UK-based students is that it draws heavily on American issues, statistics and the like (which is hardly surprising) but there's enough going on here to make this a Blog that can be usefully dipped-into from time to time.

Freedom To Teach

Despite - or maybe because? - being part of a major UK publishing site this infrequent blog aimed at "teachers by teachers" has a small number of posts on an eclectic mix of topics (from teaching masculinity to creating "challenging lessons"). What's there is useful (if you can find it - navigation is not one of the site's strong points) but it would be nice if there was more of it...

Keele University

Produced by the Sociology and Criminology School at Keele, this is a nice mix of articles (based on published research, media reports and so forth) and links to sociology sites, "sociology in the news" (in the main articles appearing on news sites, such as the BBC, that could be used as good classroom discussion pieces) and ESRC press releases (giving details of up-to-the-minute sociological research and analysis). The Blog articles, although generally short, are pitched at the right kind of level for (in the main) A2 students and the wry humour in some of the pieces makes a welcome change...


An interesting and useful mix of longer "class notes" and shorter "revision notes" covering most of the AQA A-level Sociology Specification (Family, Education, Theory and Methods, Beliefs, Global development) plus some exam-related stuff on answering different types of questions. While a lot of the materials are "referenced" from various a-level textbooks, they're handled sympathetically and clearly to provide a good, solid, revision resource. The site also features useful original articles that apply sociological theories, concepts and methods to various "real world" situations. An added bonus is the copious use of Mind Maps and there are also materials (from revision books to webinars) available to purchase at reasonably reasonable prices.

The Sociology Guy

Although there are a lot of sections to the blog (Teaching Resources, Mind Maps, Exam Skills...) most effort seems to have gone into producing a (no-doubt time-consuming) range of very useful revision notes and materials that students and teachers alike should find helpful.

Sociological Images

"Sociological Images is designed to encourage all kinds of people to exercise and develop their sociological imagination by presenting brief sociological discussions of compelling and timely imagery that spans the breadth of sociological inquiry". In basic terms, it's a blog that features a lot of pictures (and tables and charts and graphics) linked to brief discussions of their sociological context and significance. There is actually a lot more to the site than this simple description might suggest - but part of the fun is always the ability to explore...

The Society Pages

This site describes itself as "an open-access social science project" and to this end produces a wide range of in-house resources (from sociology in the news to reports about sociological research). Another aspect of the project involves playing host to a variety of blogs (from feminism to cyborgs) via its Community Pages, in addition to running a very useful Teaching Blog of its own.

Sociology Heaven

Chris Deakin's blog contains lots of useful stuff for both teachers - ideas, activities... - and students (lots of revision notes, for example,  in a variety of different formats). The blog's been around and constantly updated for 4 years or so and there's a lot to explore, particularly for teachers - there's some innovative work going on here that's well worth exploring if you're looking for inspiration (and ideas to pinch).

Sociology with Miss Robinson

AS / A2 Sociology (as was) blog specialising in short Notes (with a few diagrams thrown-in for good measure). Doesn't look like it's being updated anymore but it's worth a root around to see if there's anything you find useful.

Real Sociology

Lots of different articles, research summaries and opinions in this wide-ranging blog. While a lot is aimed at A-level, there's a lot that's not. Whether the one outweighs the other is, perhaps, a moot point.

Revise Sociology

As the title suggests, lots of revision Notes on a range of topics, both AS and A2 (although unfortunately the blog doesn't seem to have been updated after May 2012).


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